What to Look For In a Coach?
San Diego Life Coaches is a free online service that helps you find your ideal coach or other personal or professional development service provider. Our checklist is a great foundation for finding the coaching and service provider that will best help you reach your goals.
Here are the San Diego Life Coaches recommended check points to look for when hiring a coaching or training professional.
Is the Coach or Trainer certified to help you with your specific challenge?
How much experience does the Coach or Trainer have to help you with your specific challenge?
What is the professionals Google, Yelp Rating, or other professional rating?
Is the rating supported by positive testimonials?
Are there more than a couple of isolated incidents that suggest that the professional has a “bad” reputation?
Do you believe that the professional wants to help you reach your highest potential or is just looking to receive their fee?
What is the cost of their service?
Is the service affordable or worth the value of your investment both financially and your time?
How do you want to be coached: in-person, one on one, group, online, on the phone?
Will the coach accommodate your schedule and preferred method of coaching or training?
Does the professional’s background, demeanor, and methodologies match your values?
Do you believe that the professional can help you?
If its important to you, will the coach make you accountable for your results?
Does the coach or trainer provide ongoing support beyond the sessions?
Does the coach or trainer provide secure payment options?
Did your potential coach or trainer answer all or most of your questions?
Did you check with 1-2 other professionals to make sure you are choosing the best coach or trainer for you? The best way is to schedule your free discovery call with your potential coach.
For more information and to conduct your search, check out professionals on the San Diego Life Coaches services directory, check out our articles on various topics, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, and check out our social media pages to become part of the San Diego Life Coaches community.