Frequently Asked Questions-Site Visitors and the San Diego Life Coaches Community

What is San Diego Life Coaches?

San Diego Life Coaches is a free online service that helps you find your ideal coach, training professional, educational opportunity or event that will empower you to reach your highest potential and overcome many of life’s challenges. San Diego Life Coaches has a comprehensive and focused directory of highly qualified and highly-rated professionals, throughout San Diego County. Our time saving navigation and focused service listings efficiently connects clients like you with their ideal coach, trainer, or learning opportunity based on your unique goals, personality, and background.

How does San Dioego Life Coaches help me find a coach or other related professional?

If you already know what kind of coach you're looking for, you can browse the San Diego Life Coaches service directory of coaches by specialization and detailed information about each coach including their contact form, phone number, website, social media platforms, video channels, Google ratings, testimonials, reviews, types of service offered, and more. All coaches have a link and form to schedule a free discovery call, to see if the coach you are considering working with is the right coach for you. We recommend at least 2-3 coaches and/or consultations with different professionals and opportunities. You are welcome to contact as little or as many as you like.

How much does San Diego Life Coaches cost?

It is free to use the web site to inquire about all of our resources. The costs associated will be between you and the professional or vendor that you are seeking help from. Additionally, most coaches in our network offer a free 30 minute consultation with no obligation to help you decide if they're a good fit for your particular goals. Once you select a coach to work with, it's up to you and your coach to agree on payment details.

Why should I use San Diego Life Coaches?

You should use because our network of professionals have been evaluated based on certifications, association memberships, ratings, testimonials, and is focused by type of coach, trainer, or other professional resource, are usually flexible in regard to how to provide coaching and training (in-person, online, phone, one on one, group, etc). All coaches in our network are independent businesses; they do not work for San Diego Life Coaches.

How do I know what type of coach or professional I need to address my goals?

A great place to start is our Services section which gives descriptions, along with coaches and professionals who specialize in a specific area (ex: credit repair) In addition, there are excellent articles within our Blog section. Finally, we have put together a checklist of what to look for in a coach or professional provider.

How does coaching/training and therapy differ?


Coaching focuses on helping you achieve future goals, while therapy focuses on understanding and healing past pain and trauma.


Therapists are licensed healthcare providers who must have an advanced degree, complete a certain number of supervised hours, and pass a board exam. Coaches may have certification programs, but there are no governing boards for life or success coaches.

Issues addressed

Therapists are trained to treat mental illness and other significant emotional and relational concerns. Coaching can help you improve your performance in a specific area, such as your career.

Insurance coverage

Psychotherapy is usually covered by insurance if it's deemed medically necessary to treat a mental health problem. Coaching is typically not covered by health insurance.

While coaching and therapy are different, they can be compatible and even complementary. Who you should see depends on your issues and what you want to achieve.